Fight Or Fright Review - Episode 22 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

What’s up jump masters welcome to a spooky new episode of King’s Canyon radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. I recently went away on holiday for a week so I completely missed the announcement of the apex legends new collection event called Fight Or Fright. Rather than I come on the mic and just talk about what’s new I thought I'd break down my opinions of it. Basically, I thought a review of it would make a so much better show. The podcast evolution is coming very soon, I was hoping to get it ready for this episode but sadly that wasn’t the case. Hopefully, everything will fall into place by the next episode but knowing me it probably won’t. We will have to wait and see on that front.


Level Progression Changes And More - Episode 23 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast


Season 3 Is Here And It's Great - Episode 21 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast