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PlayStation files trademark for Sunset Overdrive

Sony has seemingly filed a trademark for Xbox exclusive Insomniac Games Sunset Overdrive. The trademark was filed at the US Patent and Trademark on April 26 but sad,y there were no details regarding a possible sequel or remake.

Interestingly enough, this was shortly followed by a leak that suggests that a remake of Sunset Overdrive is on the way in the form of Sunset Overdrive Refreshed Edtion coming in the fall to PS4 and PS5. That’s not all the leak contained though, it also had listed a new project called Sunset Apocalyse coming to PS5 in the future. Recently the game director of the first game rejoined the studio after working at Microsoft, that could also be a sign of more fuel added to the rumor fire.

I personally hope the series gets to live on in some capacity even if that means a PlayStation exclusive, fingers crossed it isn’t platform exclusive and Sony does right by the players of that first game.

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