Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to get dedicated Xbox Series X|S and PS5 releases


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is going to be getting a full Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 release later on in the year.

The news was announced on the official Star Wars website during the reveal for the annual Star Wars Day celebrations on May 4. Details on the game are planned to be revealed at a later date, it looks like that these versions will include a more improved upgrade to the previously released "optimisation" patch that the game recently recieved. The new versions will be a free upgrade to those that own the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions.

I personally hope that the game comes with something more than just a makeover, maybe a DLC expansion or the prospect of addtional content coming to the game at a later. It's a fantastic game that deserves some cool add-on content, so hopefully EA and Respawn Entertainment are on it.

Apex Legends introduces a new permanent mode called Arenas

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Respawn has revealed their first permanent mode coming to Apex Legends since Duos and it looks amazing.

The new mode which is called Arenas will launch alongside season 9 (Legacy) and it will put two squads of 3 to battle against each other in smaller Arena maps.

Each round, players will select their characters and then a buy phase will commence, both teams will get to spend allocated crafting materials to buy weapons and equipment. Then the games will begin in a deathmatch-style mode with no respawns. The team to gain a two round lead will win the match.

The mode will launch with two Custom Maps called Party Crasher and Phase Runner but will also have adapted Arenas of parts of the Kings Canyon, World's Edge, and Olympus maps.

Apex Legends Season Nine: Legacy will drop on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, and Nintendo Switch on May 4.