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Gears 5 Coming In 2019

Gears 5, yeah it's not Gears Of War 5 go figure. Anyway, the game was announced over the course of Microsoft E3 conference with a brief tidbit of the story shown in a new trailer. There was also a brief bit of gameplay that included what looks like be Locust but I've yet to finish Gears Of War 4 so I might be wrong.

Gears 5, yeah it's not Gears Of War 5 go figure. Anyway, the game was announced over the course of Microsoft E3 conference with a brief tidbit of the story shown in a new trailer. There was also a brief bit of gameplay that included what looks like be Locust but I've yet to finish Gears Of War 4 so I might be wrong. There were those robots too which I think had a super dumb name like Deebee's of something. 

From what I can gather from the trailer, the story will focus mainly on Kait this time around with the boys taking a nice long rest and do some push-ups or something. {Seriously though how does one get that buff while constantly walking and skipping arms} Additionally both JD Fenix And Marcus Fenix appear in the trailer and possibly that other guy from Gears 4 but I don't know cause everyone like 15 years older.

For a brief moment i also think i heard the sultry tones of iZombie star Rahul Koli but i could be completely off the mark.  

Gears 5
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