Xbox, PlayStation, Gaming News, Nintendo HelloGhostly Xbox, PlayStation, Gaming News, Nintendo HelloGhostly

Overwatch 2 PvP Gameplay Coming Next Month

Blizzard has announced they will showcase two hours of Overwatch 2 player versus player gameplay on May 20.

In a new development update, the new game director Aaron Keller announced an upcoming Livestream that will be on May 20 at 12 pm Pacific, 3 pm Eastern, or 8 pm UK.

The details on the Livestream itself are pretty slim but it will finally go into the bread and butter of Overwatch which is PvP and whatever changes that ate made should be coming to both Overwatch and Overwatch 2. They did say that "we’re reinvigorating the core Overwatch experience."

I really hope this is the case because Overwatch in 2021 is in a pretty terrible place, I played the game before launch and the game has just gotten stale. It's gonna take a lot to get me back to playing daily and I don't think I'm the only one in that boat.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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Podcasts HelloGhostly Podcasts HelloGhostly

Overwatch's Solider 76 Joins Tracer as an LGBTQ hero - Hello Ghostly Games Podcast 11.01.19

What's Up everyone, I wanted to start by adding a somewhat disclaimer to this episode. The following episode gets into a mature discussion in regards to depression, anxiety, and death. I talk about the recent loss of my father in law and how that's affected me over the past year and also my previous attempts of suicide.

It was rough for me to listen back to but I hope this episode helps you if you're going through similar feeling or issues. Life always gets better and there is always someone who cares, even if it feels like there isn't.

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