January 2021 Video Game Releases
January 2021 is looking to be a fantastic start for players of all kinds. This month will see the release of some of my favorite video game franchises such as Hitman and Yakuza. I'm really looking forward to those two in particular, especially since i'm currently playing through Yakuza Like A Dragon and loving it.
Below is a list of all the upcoming games releasing in January 2021:
8th January
Iris Fall (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
12th January
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Core Collection (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
14th January
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game – Complete Edition (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia)
MXGP 2020 (PS5)
20th January
Hitman 3 (PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4, Switch)
21st January
Ride 4 (PS5, Xbox Series X)
22nd January
Bladed Fury (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
26th January
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy (PC, PS4, PS5, Switch)
Stronghold: Warlords (PC)
Cyber Shadow (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
28th January
Ar Nosurge DX (PC, Switch, PS4)
Ciel Nosurge DX (PC, Switch, PS4)
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny (PS4, Switch)
Märchen Forest: Mylne and the Forest Gift (PC, PS4, Switch)
The Medium (PC, Xbox)
Sword of the Necromancer (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
The Yakuza Remastered Collection (PC, Xbox)
Hitman 3 New Feature Revealed
IO Interactive has revealed an upcoming feature for Hitman 3. Players will be able to unlock "persistent shortcuts" in levels, which will open up new paths on previously played levels.
Originally revealed by Game Informer, the new shortcuts are said to "encourage exploration, reward curiosity, and incentivize replayability" with players being able to open up new routes by interacting with doors, certain areas, and access points in each level. Agent 47 will then be able to use them during future playthroughs to get to areas of the map faster or to head off a target before they reach a specific destination.
I'm personally looking forward to checking this out for myself when Hitman 3 launches on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC on January 20, 2021.
Xbox Games With Gold For January 2021
Microsoft has announced the next batch of games coming to games with gold for January 2021 and they're okay, not great though.
the following games are available to grab now if you're a member of Xbox Live:
Little Nightmares (A weird but cool indie game): Available January 1 to 31
Dead Rising (Go Play Dead Rising 4, it's great and super festive): Available January 16 to February 15
The King of Fighters XIII (I'm probably terrible at it): Available January 1 to 15
Breakdown (Had enough of those in 2020): Available January 16 to 31
Games With Gold has been super lackluster since Xbox Game Pass was revealed, Go Get Game Pass Ultimate and treat these additional games as a bonus. Also While we're here, go play Yakuza Zero on the game pass, it's probably the best game on there.
The Year Of Creation
What's up folks and welcome to another blog post. I struggled for so awhile trying to figure out the introduction to this post so I thought I'd just rehash my podcast intro for it.
I have always been able to focus on something and hammer away at it continuously but 2020 kinda took that from me and stomped on it hard. I managed to somehow keep posting daily on Instagram and exercising but everything else went to the wayside.
Content creation is something I’ve always been drawn too and I plan to go bananas in 2021. The Podcast is moving homes from SoundCloud to HelloGhostly.com. This means sadly that either i lose all the current episodes I've created or import them all over, which takes a ton of time. Hopefully, I'll then be able to bring the podcast to more platforms such as Spotify or Amazon Music.
Gaming News is coming back to the website on a weekly basis covering the best news for consoles such as Xbox Series X, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. However, it's gonna be a little bit different as I'll only be covering the news that interests me, and I might inject some opinion along the way.
Lastly, I plan to do another regular feature on the website focusing on content creators in general, I'll be revealing more on that in the near future.
2021 has given me perspective on what's important, My family is always gonna be my first priority but creating is a close second. I plan to create a ton of awesome content over the course of the next year and i can't wait to get started.