30: The First Piece Quest Review And What Is The Gemini-XG Core?

Welcome Jumpmasters to another episode of Kings Canyon Radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. Today's shows a little more off the rails as usual because we actually have some Apex News but also there's not a lot to discuss. Respawn Entertainment now has another studio located in Vancouver Canada at an already existing EA Campus.

I also finally have some time with the new Quests and I most certainly have some opinions so I somewhat review the first quest.

Lastly I get into a glitch I ran into this week that stopped me playing apex legends for an evening. I did manage to figure out a fix for it but it definitely took me a hot second to work it out.

Thank you so much for listening to this week's episode and as always I'll catch you in the next one but until then...Get Ready To Drop

Ghostly Out!

27: System Override Collection Event Is Here

Welcome Jumpmasters to a new episode of Kings Canyon Radio. It's been a minute since I posted a new episode. I kinda ran out of things to talk about and then got hit with a nasty case of the flu. it took me out of action big time, I got a bunch of wins on Apex Legends though so that's something.

Anyway, today we discuss the newly announced System Override Collection Event coming to Apex Legends. I pretty much breakdown everything from the heirloom shards, Deja loot LTM, the Octane heirloom and all the brand new shiny cosmetics. Thanks for listening to the show and as always get ready to drop...

Ghostly Out

Level Progression Changes And More - Episode 23 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Welcome Jumpmasters to another thrilling episode of King's Canyon Radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. This episode is something specials as it's the time we evolve the show into something new and fresh. There's a shiny new coat of paint and a new segment to boot, anyway let's drop into the show.

Today's episode we discuss the new changes coming on December 3rd such as the new level progression, more apex packs and whatever else is in the update which is basically not a lot. We also get into our new rotating segment called Wraith's Wonders. It's so magical, it's different each week. Kinda like Apex Legends, it's either fantastic or an utter garbage fire.

Thanks so much for supporting the show and listening to the rambles of this mad man. Have an awesome week!

Season 3 Is Here And It's Great - Episode 21 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Season 3 Is Here And It's Great - Episode 21 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

What're folks, I hope you’re ready to drop into another episode of King’s Canyon Radio - an Apex Legends Podcast. The only problem is everyone left me here alone while they go party on World’s Edge. Jokes asides Season 3 is here and it brings with it some awesome new additions. Not only that but it’s brought a brand new sense of excitement to the game and hopefully this show. I’ve coasted by for a while because I was unsure where i wanted to take the show but with the launch of the new season, it’s given me some ideas on how we can refresh the show and make it good again. that was a close one lol.

That refresh is currently percolating in my brain cage and hopefully, will the see the light of day in the coming weeks. For now though we breakdown my opinions on everything season 3. We discuss the new map, hop up.s, longbow dmr, triple take, r-99, r-301, flatline, g7 scout and so much more. I also discuss my feelings on the changes made to the battle pass, spoiler on that i’m indifferent.

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Crypto Is Coming - Episode 20 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Crypto Is Coming - Episode 20 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Welcome, Jump Masters to a coffee-fuelled episode of Kings Canyon Radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. I've had a lot of coffee during the process of recording this episode so I may or may not be more strange in this episode if that's even possible. Anyway on to what we talk about in today's episode. We discuss the recent announcement of the previous leaked psychical versions of Apex Legends coming to retail and the awesome new teases for the upcoming legend for season three called Crypto. It's a pretty rad episode of the show if I do say so myself. I am super biased though as I created it so there’s that.

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