Crypto Is Coming - Episode 20 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Welcome, Jump Masters to a coffee-fuelled episode of Kings Canyon Radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. I've had a lot of coffee during the process of recording this episode so I may or may not be more strange in this episode if that's even possible. Anyway on to what we talk about in today's episode. We discuss the recent announcement of the previous leaked psychical versions of Apex Legends coming to retail and the awesome new teases for the upcoming legend for season three called Crypto. It's a pretty rad episode of the show if I do say so myself. I am super biased though as I created it so there’s that.


Season 3 Is Here And It's Great - Episode 21 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast


Viodwalker Event Review - Episode 19 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast