27: System Override Collection Event Is Here

Welcome Jumpmasters to a new episode of Kings Canyon Radio. It's been a minute since I posted a new episode. I kinda ran out of things to talk about and then got hit with a nasty case of the flu. it took me out of action big time, I got a bunch of wins on Apex Legends though so that's something.

Anyway, today we discuss the newly announced System Override Collection Event coming to Apex Legends. I pretty much breakdown everything from the heirloom shards, Deja loot LTM, the Octane heirloom and all the brand new shiny cosmetics. Thanks for listening to the show and as always get ready to drop...

Ghostly Out

26: Apex Legends Season 4 Review

Welcome Jumpmasters to a shiny brand new episode of Kings Canyon Radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. In been a little while since I posted an episode of the show but we're back in full force with a review of season four of Apex Legends. We discuss everything new such as Revenant the legend killer, map changes such as The Harvester, Capitol City splitting in two and the new weapon racks. That's not all though, I also breakdown the balance changes, the lackluster battle pass and the sparkly new sniper rifle the Sentinel. Basically, it's a jam-packed episode filled with all the thoughts and feelings of the new content and what may come in the future.

As always thanks so much for listening to the ramblings of this mad man and I'll catch you in worlds edge but until then get ready to drop... Ghostly Out

Crypto Is Coming - Episode 20 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Crypto Is Coming - Episode 20 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Welcome, Jump Masters to a coffee-fuelled episode of Kings Canyon Radio - An Apex Legends Podcast. I've had a lot of coffee during the process of recording this episode so I may or may not be more strange in this episode if that's even possible. Anyway on to what we talk about in today's episode. We discuss the recent announcement of the previous leaked psychical versions of Apex Legends coming to retail and the awesome new teases for the upcoming legend for season three called Crypto. It's a pretty rad episode of the show if I do say so myself. I am super biased though as I created it so there’s that.

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Respawn's Plan For Apex Legends At E3 2019 - Episode 11 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Respawn's Plan For Apex Legends At E3 2019 - Episode 11 Kings Canyon Radio - Apex Legends Podcast

Welcome Jumpmasters to a brand new episode of Kings Canyon Radio. Okay so technically it’s not entirely brand new ass it’s two weeks old. This is mainly due to my lack of enthusiasm to edit the darn thing. I really struggled to get this episode out because of amount of sass in this episode. I’m not normally so negative about a thing but I was for this particular topic. I think it’s mainly due to the clear focus of Apex Legends being a money grabbing game like every other EA title. I don’t understand why it takes so much to get just one Apex pack or why can’t I use my currency to buy anything other than re-colours of skins and new legends which aren’t exactly coming frequently.

It makes no sense to why I can buy a re colour but not the skin itself. It just frustrates me to no end that this game which I’m really enjoying is struggling for the content which is something they are causing themselves. Anyway, it today’s episode we discuss respawn entertainment plans for the next battle pass, new legend, a new weapon, map changes and much more which will be revealed at E3 2019.

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Kings Canyon Radio 03: 50 Million Apex Legends Players

Kings Canyon Radio 03: 50 Million Apex Legends Players

Welcome to another episode of Kings Canyon Radio: an Apex Legends Podcast.

Today's episode is early so that's exciting, not really i just managed to get it edited in time and kinda wanted to upload it a little early. We discuss a bunch of stuff such as Vince Zampella confirms that Apex Legends has hit 50 million legends (players) across all platforms (PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4). We also breakdown the recent patch notes for the latest update and it's a big one. Some of the highlights include changes to hitboxes, pistols possibly being adjusted in the future, legend abilities getting slight nerfs and buffs and the wingman and peacekeeper getting nerfed significantly. I briefly discuss Apex Legends leaking a year before release and no one noticed, Tiers of joy (tier list) for drop locations, Caustic being a super crazy mad scientist dude and lastly a tip on how to counter Caustic traps.

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Hit My Box - Kings Canyon Radio Episode Two 04.03.19

Hit My Box - Kings Canyon Radio Episode Two 04.03.19

Welcome back Jump masters to the second episode of Kings Canyon Radio. This week is a little on the shorter side of things due to the lack of news but that doesn’t mean i have nothing to talk about. I break some wicked cool Mirage lore about his past and his family, a really cool tip for pathfinder( you could say i located some help information this time and lastly we discuss my current tier list which focuses on weapons this time. Trust me I’ve got some less than favorable opinions when it comes to weapons.

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